Cross-cultural Leadership

In conjunction with Asia Pacific College, CAPE offers a cross-cultural leadership workshop to meet the unique leadership challenges that face the Asia and Pacific area in the 21st century.  The 3-week workshop is offered to junior- and senior-level leaders through core and selective topics.

Core Topics

Leadership and Cultural Knowledge: A survey of the major cultural traditions in the Asia and Pacific region. Employs a comparative perspective and the use of many primary texts.

Global Theory and Events: Focuses on the various and complex meanings of "globalization," the impact of many global phenomena on nations.

Leadership Theory and Practice: A summary of current leadership theory with rich historical examples, including case study analysis. 

Leadership in Organizations: Focus includes business, government, educational organizations. Instruction employs case studies and examples drawn from Asia and the Pacific.

Asian and Pacific History: A survey of historical trends in Asia and the Pacific with a primary emphasis on cultural, social, linguistic, and religious convergences and divergences.

Social Change: Focuses on theories of social change and dimensions of change in several Asian and Pacific societies.

Other topics include: Leadership for Peace and Harmony, Politics of Asia and the Pacific, 
Economics of Asia and the Pacific, Studies in Justice and Values, Population and Health.

Selective Topics
Leadership Dynamics Management, Interpersonal Communication, International Management and Industrial Relations, Team Building Changes in International Business Environment, Changes in Technological Environment, Multinational Business Management

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